One could easily argue, in the realm of medical care and research, the name “Hutchinson” is the gold standard. In Seattle, it is simply “Hutch”, and it is royalty. Ironically, the namesake and founder of The Hutch, William B. Hutchinson, had first founded a biomedical research institute with a broader mission, to do the foundational research that would lead to a vast spectrum of cures or treatments to improve human health. Created in 1956, the Pacific Northwest Research Institute today lives somewhat in the shadow of its spin-off, The Hutch. 


As the low-profile “elder sibling”, PNRI funding was more inconsistent than they liked. To ensure long-term continuity of Bill’s mission, PNRI embarked on a high priority effort to fund the organization’s first endowed Chair, bearing the name of the Institute’s founder. 


We recommended a campaign idea that underscored the authenticity of PNRI’s mission by going back to its very source: Dr. Hutchinson. Our campaign idea centered on the fascinating history of Dr. Bill, his personal story, even the role of his famous baseball-playing brother. Leveraging the people behind the science was particularly useful to bring urgency and warmth to work that could otherwise appear esoteric in its complexity. (For example, the study of yeast.)

A system of complimentary brochures and a microsite were designed to address a mix of needs: 1) providing confidence to donors that PNRI is a wise place to donate, 2) exciting potential Chair candidates based on the spirit of the organization, and 3) motivating a broader audience to engage and consider financially supporting PNRI and the William B. Hutchinson Endowment.

Armed with these new materials, PNRI leadership and its development team could present the long-term vision of the Institute and confidently embark on fund-raising efforts.

Closer Looks:

Website Design

Brochure Design

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